

Lochgilphead Phase 5

Phase 5 of the lochgilphead School Housing Development officially started in January 2017. This comprises of 3 blocks of two storey terraced housing with a mixture of two and three bed houses. This phase of the development is due for completion in February 2018.

2018-05-28T09:19:25+01:00January 23rd, 2017|Residential|

New Build Oban

Planning approval has been granted for a new one off house in Oban. The house is designed with traditional core form to be sympathetic to the existing environment and to be appropriate for its surroundings, while still making the most of the expansive views from the site.

2018-05-28T09:19:25+01:00November 23rd, 2016|Residential|

Spence Court, Dunoon

We are pleased to announce Planning Consent for the 16 unit New Build Affordable Housing Scheme has been received and we are currently engaged to develop the Warrant Detail package with a view to start on site in the Autumn 2016.

2018-05-28T09:19:25+01:00June 23rd, 2016|Residential|

St. Cuthbert’s Detail Planning Application Granted

Following a public hearing we were pleased to receive Detailed Planning Consent for affordable housing at the former St Cuthberts church site, a very important historical site within the town centre of Dunoon. This enables us to continue our successful relationship with Fyne Homes in assisting the wider community of Argyll, providing much needed affordable [...]

2017-06-23T15:32:18+01:00June 23rd, 2014|Residential|
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