Buth Bharraigh
Congratulations on recent success with UK and Scottish community awards. Winner: Rural Business Awards Social Enterprise 2016 (UK) Winner: Scottish Rural Parliament Rural Innovators Award for Business 2015/16
Lochgilphead Phase 4
Planning approval for the final phase of the Lochgilphead housing development on the former high school and Mid Argyll hospital site has now been secured. Construction work on the 4 dwelling houses and 12 flats [...]
Lochgilphead Phase 5
Phase 5 of the lochgilphead School Housing Development officially started in January 2017. This comprises of 3 blocks of two storey terraced housing with a mixture of two and three bed houses. This phase of [...]
New Build Oban
Planning approval has been granted for a new one off house in Oban. The house is designed with traditional core form to be sympathetic to the existing environment and to be appropriate for its surroundings, [...]
St. Cuthberts, Dunoon – Opening
The official opening and handover ceremony for St. Cuthbert’s housing development in Dunoon took place in November. The development was opened by Councillor Len Scoullar and celebrated the handover of 17 new affordable flats for [...]
Spence Court, Dunoon
We are pleased to announce Planning Consent for the 16 unit New Build Affordable Housing Scheme has been received and we are currently engaged to develop the Warrant Detail package with a view to start [...]